First, be sure to check out the cute and easy recipe at the end of the post, that you can make at home.
Our bodies require a natural balance of bacteria to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Our body can become off-balanced from processed foods, sugars, yeast, antibiotics ( yes, there is a time & place for antibiotics) and environmental stressors etc....
p r o b i o t i c s have been known to
~Assist your gut by breaking down and digesting food.
~ Pushes other gut intruders that threaten to take over.
~ Can calm some medical conditions
-Irritable bowel syndromes and other gut related issues.
To learn more about what is happening to your body, book yourself in for consultation with Total Nutrition Diva™.
Shop Local and pick up your probiotics from Manotick Natural Market
Note : not all probiotics are rated equal. Come chat with me and we can find the right formulation for you.
#Nutritionist #HealthPractioner #HealthAdvocate #Probiotics
#MakeYourOwnHealthyTreats #EatingRightForYourBody
#Selfcare #Inflammation #Ibs #GutHealth #ShopLocal
#HealthyOttawa #YOW
Enjoy the recipe!
This is a 3-step process:
1) Empty coconut milk into a clean glass jar or bowl.
2) Top with probiotic and stir.
3) Cover with cheesecloth and wait.
That’s it! Seriously – it doesn’t get any easier than this. And the result is phenomenal!
Once your yogurt has activated (24-48 hours), simply refrigerate to thicken / cool and then enjoy!
Darpan The Total Nutrition Diva™
#probiotics #healthyfood #Nutritionist #totalnutritiondivaoncall #yogurt #homemade